SYH: TSX.V   $0.38 (0.00%)
OTCQX: SYHBF  $0.27 (+4.87%)
SC1P: FRA   $0.24 (-2.56%)
SYH: TSX.V   $0.38 (0.00%)
OTCQX: SYHBF  $0.27 (+4.87%)
SC1P: FRA   $0.24 (-2.56%)


Figure 1


  • The Highway Project spans 17,606 hectares across nine claims, located 41 km south of Rabbit Lake Mine and 11 km southwest of UEC’s West Bear U and Co-Ni deposits, with Highway 905 providing excellent access
  • The property is underlain by Wollaston Supergroup metasedimentary gneisses folded around an Archean felsic gneiss dome and lies near the present-day Athabasca Basin margin, suggesting past sandstone coverage
  • Historical exploration (1968-1978) included EM, magnetic, and radiometric surveys, radon sampling, and ground EM surveys, while more recent surveys in 2009, 2011, and 2017 provided limited EM results
  • The 2017 survey identified poorly defined EM conductors at “T-Lake” southwest of the property, with historic sampling indicating anomalous U, Th, and REEs along graphitic faults and fracture zones
  • A 2011 prospecting sample from a pegmatite-pelitic gneiss boulder on the property returned 3,475 ppm TREE+Y+Sc, highlighting potential for rare earth elements along with uranium mineralization
  • Hatchet Uranium Corp. recently optioned an 80% interest in the Highway Project, committing to $1.05M in shares, $245K in cash, and $2.05M in exploration expenditures over three years

Project Summary:

The Highway Uranium Project consists of nine claims covering 17,606 hectares, approximately 41 km south of the Rabbit Lake Mine and 11 km southwest of Uranium Energy Corp.’s (UEC, formerly UEX) West Bear U and Co-Ni Deposits.  Highway 905 runs through the property, providing excellent access for exploration and the project is in close proximity to regional infrastructure. Despite its proximity to infrastructure and excellent access, the project is relatively underexplored. The project is underlain by Wollaston Supergroup metasedimentary gneisses (pelitic to psammopelitic and psammitic to meta-arkosic) folded around and overlying an Archean felsic gneiss dome which outcrops in the southwestern portion of the property and cores a northeast trending antiformal fold nose. The Highway Project is located approximately 7 km east of the present-day margin of the Athabasca Basin but is believed to have been covered by Athabasca sandstone in the past.

The earliest work on the property was completed between 1968-1978 and included airborne EM, magnetic, and radiometric surveys, along with bedrock mapping, prospecting, radon sampling, and ground EM surveying on portions of the property. One single augured drill hole by the SRC and the Saskatchewan Geological Survey was drilled in 1976 as part of a regional sampling survey. The project has also been covered by portions of airborne EM and magnetics surveys in 2009, 2011, and 2017. The 2017 survey failed to identify any EM conductors on the property and only poorly defined historic EM conductors southwest of the property along strike at “T-Lake”, where surface sampling and historic diamond drilling encountered anomalous U, Th, and REEs graphitic faulting, and variably altered fracture zones. The EM conductors at T-Lake are coincident with a northeast-trending magnetic low following the Archean-Wollaston Supergroup contact, which continues onto the Highway property and is folded around the Archean gneiss dome, before continuing off property to the southwest along the northern limb of this fold.  The northern fold limb off property is also associated with EM conductors north of Robertson Lake and by Dorward Bay and with off-conductor uranium and thorium mineralization (≤44,297 ppm UO2 and ≤195,200 ppm ThO2) at the “Manhattan Showing” (SMDI 2052). Ground prospecting on the Highway Property in 2011 encountered a pegmatite-pelitic gneiss boulder (SMDI 5531) containing 3475 ppm TREE+Y+Sc, suggesting the Highway Project is prospective for rare earth elements (REE’s) in addition to basement-hosted unconformity-related and/or intrusive-type uranium mineralization.

The Project has recently been optioned by Hatchet Uranium Corp. to an acquire an 80% interest in the Project. Hatchet will issue common shares having aggregate value of CAD $1,050,000, make total cash payments of $245,000, and incur $2,050,000 in exploration expenditures on the Property over a 3 year period.

Highway Project Map:

Highway Project Map

Terms of the Optioned Property:

The Optioned Property, Highway, consists of nine (9) mineral claims comprising approximately 17,606 hectares. Hatchet may acquire an 80% interest in the Optioned Property by (i) issuing common shares in the capital of Hatchet (“Shares”) having an aggregate value of CAD $1,050,000; (ii) making aggregate cash payments of CAD $245,000; and (iii) incurring an aggregate of CAD $2,050,000 in exploration expenditures on the Optioned Property over a three-year period, as follows:

Date Cash Payments Exploration Expenditures Value of Shares Issued
On or before the first anniversary of Closing $25,000 $250,000 $25,000(1)
On or before the second anniversary of Closing $20,000 $300,000 $25,000(1)
On or before the third anniversary of Closing $200,000 $1,500,000 $1,000,000(1)
TOTAL $245,000 $2,050,000 $1,050,000

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(1) Deemed pricing of Shares is based on the twenty (20) day volume weighted average price on the stock exchange in which Hatchet shall list its Shares for trading, being either the TSX Venture Exchange or the Canadian Securities Exchange (“Deemed Price”) or the last sale price, if not listed on a stock exchange at the time of issuance

In the event that the issuance of any Shares pursuant to the above would result in the Company holding 10% or more of the outstanding Shares of Hatchet, Hatchet will issue that number of Shares which would result in the Company receiving 9.9% of the issued and outstanding Shares post-issuance and will pay cash in lieu of the Shares for the difference.

The Company shall retain a 2% net smelter returns royalty from minerals mined and removed from the Optioned Property, of which Hatchet may purchase one-half, being 1%, at any time for $1,000,000.

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