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President Don Huston provides update on South Bay ongoing Drill Program

Mar 26, 2008

Drill Rig being moved from Drill
Site to Drill Site at South Bay Project

View from the Air of Red Lake Area

Drilling continues on the South Bay Cu, Zn, and Ag project in earnest at this time. The Company is attempting to make as much use of the winter ice roads it has established on Confederation Lake to access as much as possible of the properties outlying areas before the spring thaw happens. 

Skyharbour has now completed 3 drill holes for an approx. total of 1650 metres drilled. The first 2 holes were collared on Seahorse Island, located approx ½ km to the west of the original South Bay Mine's shaft. The position of these 2 holes were situated as such to be able to drill the heart of a large geophysical anomaly (TA-1) (Titan survey 2007) that shows a moderate to strong IP responses associated with resistivity lows. There exists a high correlation of Titan 24 anomalies with the prospective geological horizons and known mineralization. 

Hole #3, located 400 metres to the north of the TA-1 anomaly, has just been completed to depth of approx 570 metres. This core is now being logged and analyzed.

The drill is now in the process of being demobilized off the ice and is to be relocated on the mainland immediately to the south of the old mine workings (i.e. shaft, decline) by approximately 600 metres. There will be 2 holes completed from this area. The holes will be drilled in a westerly direction to intersect a major geological north-south trend and a contact zone between intermediate volcanics on the west and a quartz-porphyry-rhyolitic zone on the east. No previous drilling has ever been done in this area. This anomaly, designated as TA-3, has an indicated strike length of about 600 metres.

It is anticipated that Skyharbour will drill another 1500 metres before the spring thaw forces the drill to be moved from the area.

Don Huston
Skyharbour Resources Ltd.

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